The feeling of missing keep getting stronger
The feeling of longing to see you keep getting deeper
All of my feelings always mixing out of the blue
As I feel that I am very long to see you
I love you, this is what I fond to say
I love you as a friend in my very own way
When I am with you, you will always sketch a smile
I can also sense your smile even from a thousand mile
Take my hands close to your side
Lead me to the right way and give me a ride
I am going to follow you wherever you go
I will try to catch up even though I am too slow
You are the best buddy I have ever had
I promise I will always be with you even when you are sad
When you are happy, I will feel happy for you
I will share your happiness with the world too
Just see me as your best friend
Please always be my friend until the end
We will go through the obstacles in our life together
I hope this friendship will last forever
You are my best partner
Please give me some of your power
The power of being cheerful all the time
I promise that I will make you happy all the time
Always be my best friend
Together we will make it to the end