Wednesday, May 16, 2018


what if the thing that you love the most caused you so much pain?

you love something, but at the same time, that thing hurts you in a way that you could or could not explain.

what would you do?

would you try to stay strong and see how much longer you could bear the pain and finally give in to your hopeless self?

or would you give up in the first place and just laugh your ass off if things turn out to be okay after all? laughing at yourself that have zero point in trying and be brave just for a while?

or would you try your best to keep loving the thing you love and fight. and smile when things do not go the way you wanted because you know you have tried your best...that the bad things happen for reasons that would lead you to a better life.

you see.....
trying, is the best thing here.

you could either be in any one of thess three:

you try and succeed.
you try and keep trying.
you try and failed.

as long as you have tried your best, you are going to be okay...

i guess?
