Thursday, June 4, 2020

All Lives Matter

I’m a Muslim.
And I support the Black Lives Matter. I may have not protest on the street like any other people, but I do care about the things that are happening right now.

Why? Because every single things on this Earth matter.

All lives matter actually, but the ones that are being oppressed and abused just because they are different need more attention than the ones who have the ‘privilege’ and are using it the wrong way. 

It’s sad to hear stories and watch videos of how black people died because of misunderstandings that just don’t make sense and full of shitty excuses from the ones who should be blamed for. They may have bad history lonnnnng ago but hey, it’s 2020 now. Things changed. Yes there might be bad and good people in ALL races and religions but to put the blame in one race just because of a mistake on one person is just wrong.

It’s also good to see good white people supporting black people to inform the world that there are still many good people left among the mixed crowd. Even when one white people are condemning the black lives and showing so much hatred, ten more good people will come. It’s just the bad always get the highlights more than the good ones. It’s a really good story to listen to, to watch to, as it brings unity once again right at the moment we feel like there’s no hope anymore.

The same goes with the Muslim lives. There are actually lots of people who have no problem with Muslim, even when others are always calling Muslims ‘terrorists’ just because someone made a film claiming all Muslims are part of the act and the religion itself is abusive.

Why? Just because some women has chose the path to wear niqab and cover their bodies fully. Why would the religion be abusive when it’s the women’s own choices. Yes, in Islam, we were told to cover ourselves correctly and properly in order to be good Muslims. But we’re not saints. We still make mistakes but to be ignorant is not a good thing. When you do sin, don’t blame it on the religion.  Put the blame on yourself.

All lives matter. It’s just whether you’re getting all the spotlights or you’re working behind the stage, trying to choose the right spotlight for the main character. Black people has been oppressed long ago. The death of George Floyd is just one of the highlights that showed how the black lives are not being taken seriously by the privileged ones. The video is just so saddening. I can’t bear to watch it twice. 

Muslim lives are the same. Those countries that has been bombed by irresponsible bad selfish people should get the highlights that they deserve. This need to stop. Just carry on with your own lives, in your own country without disturbing others.

Can’t people just treat other people like how they wanted to be treated? All lives matter. But if you’re a selfish irresponsible person, then you’re not worth fighting for. Other people matter more than you do.