He left for good reasons
I respect his decision
Now I am walking through a path
Where it is paved with brown leaves
But the leaves look beautiful
Thank you for giving me the chance to love you
Even though we’re not together now
I still want to say these things to you
You have a pair of beautiful eyes
Eyes which never fail to make me stare at
You have a wonderful voice
Voice which never failed to make me smile
In this distance
I know I cannot help myself to forget about you
The tears, the laughter
These are what I miss the most
A soft wind is blowing
I enjoy seeing the leaves being blown
Seems like the leaves are guiding me
Asking me to just follow the right path
I close my eyes and I see you
The wind is blowing again
I shiver from the cold wind
Maybe it is the right time
The right time to let you go
With all of my heart
I know I have failed so many times before
But this time, I have to make it right
Thank you
- Beg biru