Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Siapa makan cili, dia yang terasa pedasnya

You, who keeps on talking harshly to other people without thinking just because you think that’s your personality from the start.

You, who keeps on saying that people should just keep up until they can match your harsh joke pace.

You, who keeps on believing that you’re living your life without disturbing others.

You, who keeps on acting like a victim, while you’re the one who’s always picking on other people just because they look weak and are being kind to you.

Just keep this in mind.

You don’t deserve the kind treatments at all. 

Just because other people are kind to you, it doesn’t mean that you can treat them just the way you like it. 

When you’re in need of help, you come running, crying with that ugly face of yours, and leave when you’re done using them for your own sake.

Relationships work both ways.

Between family members.

Between friends.

Between colleagues.

If you think people should just try to keep up with your pace without you even trying to understand their pace, then you are absolutely wrong.

You’re not that special.

People are just kind. 

And you keep on being a trash.